'A Brilliant Audience.'

21 Sep 2015

We're very, very pleased to be in Stockholm and actually playing a show,' said Bono, introducing Iris at tonight's third show in Sweden. 'You might have heard, we had a security breach last night. I must say our audience handled it brilliantly, real cool...'
The police were all over the place. I mean all over the place. 
Now that's not normal to want the police all over you but last night... 
We have a message to the police, thank you for being cautious... and for taking care of our audience and the band.
It was hard to cancel the show last night but it was the right thing to do… and guess what, we get to stay here for an extra night.'

'I just can't breathe everytime Song For Someone starts playing.' posted @heyplatzman. 'My favorite off SOI. Tears are real.' 

One of the highlights of a set that took no time at all to find its momentum - here's a few more.

'The 1st part of the show really is like a punk rock gig.' said @madfl3a 'No time to catch your breath. Jumping, singing. Walk away, I Will Follow!''  And Gloria was back tonight, fresh and vital as ever.

A few songs later and a special energy about Raised By Wolves.
'Face down on a broken street
There's a man in the corner in a pool of misery...'
'It might just be me but Raised By Wolves seems even more savage than usual' commented @U2gigs.
'What an emotional RBW,' added @k_now_waite. 'guitars drums, and singer were particularly raw, powerful with a poignant touch of lament.'

Patrizia, from  Stockholm, was up on stage to lead the dancing for Mysterious Ways and proved the perfect director for the Meerkat Moment, a jubilant version of Elevation. 'Last night nothing could go right, tonight everything is going right…' 
What's this technology about? 
'To get us  closer to us… there is no them.'

As Edge played the opening bars of Paul Simon's Mother and Child Reunion, Bono talked of the special role Sweden has played in the fight against extreme poverty and its history in welcoming refugees.
'That is the right word – refugee – migrant is just plain wrong. These people are running from broken homes, broken cities, running for their lives, running from a war zone…'
'It's a difficult problem but as Nelson Mandela said 'It always seems impossible until it is done.'
No-one could imagine, ten years ago, that we'd be within reach of the first HIV-free generation, but now we are. 'In the next few years, if we tell our leaders that's what we want, we can have this...'
'The mother and child reunion
Is only a motion away…'

Has there ever been a better version of One than on U2ieTour? Not according to  @Johnny9985.  'the greatest One ever, this tour.'
'One has completely taken my soul after singing my heart to it twice,' tweeted @bonojour. 'It truly unites an arena full of people.'

Were you at the third Stockholm show ? Add your own reviews and photos here.


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