Voting Open

13 Apr 20165

Described as 'The Internet's highest honour' by The New York Times, The Webby Awards are the leading international award marking excellence on the Internet.

And this year has been nominated in the Celebrity/Fan category. The other nominees are One Direction, Team Coco, EllenTV and Kendall Jenner.

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U2 for ever
During 1989 i follow this band i never forguet my firt live in Paris at bercy, thank u for your giving god bless U2
No doubt, my friends over55 and Althen. Whatever takes these two characters together, "U" and "2", I'll be there supporting. :-)
I agree with you A then. Their music is clear, upbeat, tells stories. When it comes to their music, they give it all they can. I enjoy listening to their music as it let's me forget the pain.
3 reasons to vote
1) You're a U2 fan 2) If you're not, (re)-listen to their albums carefully until you get like me and get back to reason 1). 3) I'll give you one more serious reason here: I have been subscriber for 5 years and I just enjoy the simple structure of the website; I bought some u2 t-shirts that I love. Got my money back without any discussion as I received them slightly defect once because of the flight transport. They have some nice special offers for new subscribers. Last years I could get tickets for the last Dublin concert at a price of 80 Euros if I remember well. This would probably not have been possible without the help of this well structured website and the fight against black market that the entire team working here made in the background... So yes, I definitely think that this website is a nice Fan/Celebrity website. Cheers Alain
You deserve?
Can you give me 3 reasons to vote? 3 real reasons.
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