What a way to finish four great nights in Amsterdam. John Noble from the Zoo was in the house again, here's how he found it.
There was something in the air.. a different vibe surrounding night 4 in the Ziggo Dome.
Was it adrenaline, still in the system from night 3? #U2ieTour innocence broken, bit exhausted, still processing all of that? ‘Afterglow’?
Or was it that this was a last night in the city, and that feeling that something really special could kick off… ‘lift off’ as a friend of mine calls it…
From early on it was lift off alright. Vertigo. That intro was nailed to the floor.. timing tight to the millisecond… uno, dos, tres, CATORCE! … that momentary musical stop before ‘Hello Hello’ - timed perfectly with my own heartbeat.
LIFT OFF occurred in that moment. I was already Out Of Control, (back in spot 2 in the set), and so were the GA fans. Bouncing. All of this.. all of this can be yours.
Walk away, walk away. I will follow…. In unison we all sang it. We did follow.
“We come here to surrender… to the higher love.. higher than the soul”
It was great to hear that the band had been spending some time with Anton Corbijn, Bono told us of the day spent with him on Hargen Beach, and that photos taken that day may appear on the Songs Of Experience cover! Wow.
Iris, like last night, had me spellbound. Lost again. Jaw dropped again at the imagery in Cedarwood & Song For Someone (must remember to hold chin next time..)
Read John's full report here - and if you were you at the final night at the Ziggo Dome add your own review and photos here.
Live Blog #U2ieTour Social Stream Amsterdam 4