Champagne Moment in Köln
'I know a girl
A girl called Party, Party Girl
I know she wants more than a party, Party Girl
And she won't tell me her name...'
Can't go wrong with Party Girl, first time out on this leg of the tour and only the fourth outing since 2006 (thanks @U2gigs).
Always a champagne moment and with the band joined by an additional guitarist from the audience (@Bonojour it turns out), the song finished with Bono cracking open a bottle of bubbly and serving the drinks.
'Party Girl put fire in the band!' adds @U2BRASIL. And the audience is aswering in the same way! What a night in Koln...'
'@bonojour Extra special when a plan comes together.. like it seems to have done for you tonight.' tweeted @U2Community 'Well done that party girl :) #U2ieTour'
Bit of a party all night long actually, and maybe U2's longest ever live set in terms of number of songs. That's the word from Zoo Fan Site Of The Week @U2Gigs (them again) and they got a stat no one was expecting - 27 songs. Seems that's a first.
Another rarity - the second performance in 3 nights for Out Of Control - and another, an earpiece malfunction in I Will Follow. Cheers for Rocko as he sorts it out.
'Our time in your city has been short but very sweet, an amazing time. Last night was one of the most special nights we've ever had. Anywhere. And that was just a warm up for tonight! We'd like to start by taking you to our home town, to the North Side of Dublin…'
Sixtieth performance of Raised By Wolves tonight and @SilRigote nailed it on twitter: 'You know those days when all you need is a song to free you from nasty energy? RAISED BY WOLVES. Never fails.'
Ellen was the Meerkat girl and if she looked familiar, that's because she was up on stage last week too - in Antwerp. 'I knew she'd make it back home.'
'I feel like @AppMeerkat for @U2 is the reason why phones were made.' tweeted @Born4Bliss.
The band were sensing the vibes too: 'Weddings... funerals... bar-mitzvahs. Allow us a moment to be festive and thank you for some incredible shows here in your country. Tonight alongside the best of them…'
'I've seen every U2 tour since 1983 and the current tour is one of the very best,' tweeted @NYCelticSoul. 'The intimacy created every night is unparalleled.'
'October. A song of iNNOCENCE. Bullet The Blue Sky. A song of eXPERIENCE. Zooropa. A song of aSCENT #WhatDOYouWANT #U2ieTour #PlaceCalledHome' (@_Bigwave_)
Birthday greetings to Bill Gates in Beautiful Day and a special rendition of Happy Birthday before Mother and Child Reunion.
And surely the finest way to finish any U2 show - Bad followed by 40. (Unless you know different…)
'40 ends this amazing night in Cologne. Party Girl, Bad, 3 songs on the E-stage…what a night, what a show.' (@U2start)
'sitting on the ground crying...too many emotions...thank you U2' (@moreno75)
'What a show in Koln .... surprises extra songs and more i wish this tour last forever' (@metsfanmx)
Were you at the second night in Köln ? What was your favourite moment? The song you'll never forget?Add your own comments and post your photos below.
Live Blog #U2ieTour Social Stream Koln 2
Live Blog #U2ieTour Social Stream Koln 2