'The Most Beautiful Sound...' in London
Opening night at the O2 with 'The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)’
'I woke up at the moment when the miracle occurred
Heard a song that made some sense out of the world
Everything I ever lost, now has been returned
In the most beautiful sound I’d ever heard...'
'The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone)' opening up the first of six nights at the O2 in London. Here’s some of the stand-out tracks captured on social media.
Electric Co.
'Would have gladly paid the money I did to see my 2 #U2ieTour shows just for The Electric. Co.: timeless!' (@MariangelaVcc)
'This London audience is ready to GO! I love it when people know the words to Electric Co.!' (@Born4Bliss)
Cedarwood Road
'Audible gasp of "wow" from the people around me when Bono was inside screens for CR #U2ietour visually stunning!' (@hjwallace1)
Sunday Bloody Sunday
'I love Adam's baseline in this version of SBS.' (@jamesamurray)
'I think that's the best version of Sunday Bloody Sunday I’ve seen U2 perform.' (@CandyBoatman)
Bullet The Blue Sky
'Larry hits so hard on drums in "Bullet", like a bombing...amazing. #U2ieTour' (@U2Memes)
'Here comes the feels... You say One Love, One Life... #U2ietour' (@madfl3a)
'One, and a brilliant end to U2's 1st night at London O2. Classic U2. #U2ieTour #u2Juat audience singing - sending shivers up your spine.' (@Ivanobe)
Were you at the show tonight? Tell us what it was like and add your photos below.
Live Blog #U2ieTour Social Stream London 1
Live Blog #U2ieTour Social Stream London 1