Bono in Ottawa Toward 0.7

26 Nov 2005
Bono was the talking point of the Canadian Press today, visiting the Capital on the eve of a national election.

Speaking at a Press conference Bono discussed the campaign to Make Poverty History, and the Canadian Prime Ministers lack of support for the 0.7 objective, 'I'm mystified actually by the man, at this point I just think it's a huge opportunity that he's missing out on.'

'The kind of Canada the world needs now' is a well-off country that 'does not forget the poverty of its past and the poverty of the present world'.

Pledging to 'talk to every leader I can, and just ask them, in an election month, to look at these issues and decide where they stand', Bono went on to speak further about Canada's involvement with Make Poverty History. 'This is the Canada of big ideas ... And inclusive big dreams. Today I did the rounds of the right and the left. We need you both.'

Before starting U2's hit One, Bono spoke directly: "Prime Minister Martin, I write songs, You write history, Write us a chapter we can be proud of.'


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