'Clarion Cry'

18 Jan 201828

Broken Fingaz Crew, the Israeli graffiti collective whose provocative, groundbreaking and often disturbing fluorescent sketches were among the first street art in their native Haifa, have directed the new video for 'Get Out Of Your Own Way.'

Known only by pseudonyms that preserve their anonymity with local authorities - Unga, Tant, Kip and Desco - the enigmatic posse approached U2 with the concept of an animated visualization of American Soul, the second single from Songs of Experience. 

After successfully collaborating with the band on a video for that track, Broken Fingaz Crew were given full creative control to take on the video for 'Get Out Of Your Own Way.' 

Here's how the Crew described what they were setting out to do in making the new video. 

"The video addresses the current political situation: 2017 for us was the year fascists worldwide felt confident enough to raise their heads again, encouraged by Trump and other world leaders, who use people's fear to build more walls and segregation. 

The song is both a personal letter and a clarion cry to the global situation, and in the same way, we've combined our psychedelic pop style with political imagery; shot entirely analogue, using paper cut and stop motion animation techniques in collaboration with Adam Albo, who edited the video."

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Great animation, content not convincing!
I love the animation style of the video as an artist myself , but the content is really not accurate and mostly focused on what "Trump haters" believe is going on right now in the USA and the world in general. I for one keep myself educated and don't believe everything the mass media pours out at us to be true! How can Trump be a fascist if he is only addressing the needs of the people that voted for him and others as well, how can he be a fascist if he is successful at dealing with a fascist ruler in North Korea whom is finally willing to listen to the world and talk about stopping his nuclear program! Trump might not be the nicest man in the world , but he is definitely more direct and straightforward then all politicians I have heard here in the US. I love U2 , but think they as well should be more open minded to all peoples opinions and beliefs , and not only one way Trump hating messages! We are all sinners, we are all not perfect and have different morals and beliefs, love and love alone will conquer all!
Analog version of the video for this song gave me thoughts of the 80's and some 90's videos. It's a beautiful and creative video that didn't need to use digital effects to make it interesting. Respect to U2 for taking a chance on the Broken Fingaz idea.
get it
love the song get the video but no matter what every one interpret the words of the song in there own way or to the way there life is at that time it only changes when they see the artist video and how they see it and there believes stay true to your self . and who you are keep the faith
the video was absolutely amazing...nailed it right on the head...I would love a litho of the band image from this video
Patrick keenan
Wow what amazing video
Missed Opportunity at the Grammys
I so wished that this video would have been the backdrop to your Grammy performance tonight. Such a platform and missed opportunity to rip the blinders off and force the truth of America's actions (or lack of action in some instances) upon an enormous audience.
#resist #persist #insist
Stupid video + Great Song
Disappointing. I don't think anybody thought about Trump and the KKK when they first listened to this song. I hope you don't use your shows in the U.S. to spew your political beliefs. If you want to play at a political rally, go for it. We pay good money to go to a U2 concert to be entertained and stand as "One." I have always thought of U2 as a unifier not a divider.
Powerful and EMPOWERING!
Thank you sooooo much for such a vivid video. It literally showcases my emotions of the past year. I am very proud of the band for not letting their beliefs be put aside and hide from what is real. As we have regressed back to the days when the rights of the people are not heard, you stand and show the world that LOVE is what needs to get us thru, as humanity tries to climb up from the rubble of this fascist world. Our liberties, EVERYWHERE, are being challenged and this video has my utmost respect. U2, please keep that glimmer of hope, that I have come to rely on, as I continue to move forward in a world that has stopped moving ahead. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! 'IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY' when we stand as 'ONE'! 'I WILL FOLLOW' with 'PRIDE' as I continue to find and give 'ORDINARY LOVE' and hope that we aren't 'STUCK IN THE MOMENT'. It would be 'BAD', if I ever saw another 'BULLET IN THE BLUE SKY' or a 'SUNDAY, BLOODY SUNDAY'. As my 'AMERICAN SOUL' cries daily from all the bad news, I try and remember that 'LOVE IS ALL WE HAVE LEFT', to shine the 'LIGHTS OF HOME'. 'PRIDE' and 'ELEVATION' are what I feel, hiking to the top of 'ONE TREE HILL'; listening to my favorite band, U2, 'NUMB' from the fresh air. 'THE MIRACLE' comes 'WITH EVERY BREAKING WAVE' as we stand together in this 'ELECTRICAL STORM'. Yes, 'LOVE IS BIGGER THAN ANYTHING IN IT'S WAY', 'UNTIL THE END OF THE WORLD'. 'WHEN I LOOK AT THE WORLD' there will be 'PEACE ON EARTH' as I 'WALK ON' and look for 'WILD HONEY'. 'I'LL GO CRAZY, IF I DON'T GO CRAZY TONIGHT', listening/watching the news, of people 'RAISED BY WOLVES', and not so 'INVISIBLE'!!! If there's a 'MIRACLE DRUG' on this 'WINTER' day, then I will 'BREATHE' 'FIRE' as if this was 'THE LAST NIGHT ON EARTH'. Stop 'STARING AT THE SUN' and 'PUT ON YOUR BOOTS' for this is not 'VAN DIEMEN'S LAND' but the 'HEARTLAND' of all our 'CALIFORNIA'. Yes, I believe in 'TOMORROW', as the 'VOLCANO' of people, 'RISE ABOVE' and remember: 'THE HANDS THAT BUILT AMERICA'! 'SOMETIMES YOU CAN'T MAKE IT ON YOUR OWN' so 'LOVE RESCUE ME' in this 'MOMENT OF SURRENDER'. 'ALL I WANT IS YOU' as I 'SURRENDER' to the faith of the people, and the 'TWO HEARTS BEAT AS ONE'! Have 'MERCY' on 'THE WANDERER', who can't 'LIVE WITH OR WITHOUT YOU' 'WHERE THE STREETS HAVE NO NAME'. I am 'RUNNING TO STAND STILL', where you are 'TRYIN' TO THROW YOUR ARMS AROUND THE WORLD' in 'A SORT OF HOMECOMING'. Let's make everyday 'A NEW YEARS DAY' with 'THE UNFORGETTABLE FIRE' of the people. Let us forget 'THE SHOWMAN' and 'DISMANTLE THE ATOMIC BOMB' by showing the 'ORIGINAL OF THE SPECIES' is HUMANITY! As 'THE TROUBLES' of the world are always on your minds, my favorite band, you make a 'SONG FOR SOMEONE', in the hopes that they can 'SLEEP LIKE A BABY TONIGHT'! 'THE MIRACLE' of U2 is why I want to be in 'THE CRYSTAL BALLROOM', listening and dancing as if they were our 'SILVER AND GOLD'. My 'DESIRE' is 'FREEDOM FOR MY PEOPLE', ALL people as I raise the flag and sing 'THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER'. 'I STILL HAVEN'T FOUND WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR', but I will be watching 'WHEN LOVE COMES TO TOWN', as this is not my 'LAST NIGHT ON EARTH'!!!! 'YOU'RE THE BEST THING', U2, in this 'CITY OF BLINDING LIGHTS'. 'STAY' 'MAGNIFICENT'!
I live in Montreal and I say good on you U2 ....tell it like it is no bullshit thats why you 4 guys are the best band in the world.Right on...
the most engaged group in the world since the beginning u2 helps the poor in africa and put the xnofobie president in their place
Striking video, unexpected for U2
I wasn’t expecting the band to go with a video like this for GOOYOW but that’s not a bad thing by any means. It’s striking and I feel the choice to go with stop animated paper says something about the subject matter in the video- You don’t need gobs of money and the wealthiest options to make a profound statement that lasts with people. Sometimes less is more. These visuals will look amazing on the e/i tour. Like PopMart without the Roy Lichtenstein stylings/ effects. -Kevin / Chicago
bernie cunningham
People are saying this video is showing a disgusting hatred of Trump.Hatred should not be promoted.
Please help us....
Because we're screwed....
Disappointing video
HAHA Trump is the President, deal with it! It's funny anyway all the attention you put into it. But the video is horrible, Crew is disappointing.
Dolores O'Riordan
Rest in Peace
What a song, what a video, what a statem
A great video with a great song in this dark time. Congratutulation Bono, The Edge, Larry and Adam Best band in the world You ever since more relevant. keep it up
The Best
show...beautiful video...
Thank you
Great song, great video. Thank you for being you, U2. We need you more than ever in this World of today. See you in Copenhagen.
Really bad video. Hope the one filmed in Mexico is redeeming.
Bravo U2!
Excellent video -- poignant, powerful, relevant and brutally on point. Bless you Bono, Adam, Edge and Larry (and Broken Fingaz Crew as well) for your courage and conviction. Thank you so much!
Trump Deserves This
Donald Trump began his campaign calling Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists. Just recently he said that he doesn't want immigration from "shithole counties" in Africa and the Caribbean. When white supremacists ( most of whom were Trump supporters) drove a car into protesters at one of their rallies in Charlottesville, killing one and injuring 19, the most that Trump could bring himself to condemn the attack was to say that there was "violence on many sides." I can understand why some people may have voted for Trump thinking that he'd be good for the economy, bringing back jobs. But there's more to being the President of the United States. Trump deserves this video.
Bring it!
HAHA! Pretty Crazy stuff. U2 keep it RELEVANT!
Waiting still for confirmation of Polish
Please this time around also visit Poland! In the first announcement (and also with buying the album here) there was always spoken of a Polish show. I am sure you remember your last concert here in Chorzow in 2009 on the 360 tour!! I was there in front of the stage when the whole stadium went white/red for New Years Day! Goosebumps!!! My best U2 show ever!! So PLEASE come back! Polska LOVES U2!!
There's little more to say but...
...this is an incredible video, on so many levels. Thank you all for this! See you in the autumn!
Truly Great
Truly great song and this new video is my favourite ever love it
WOW on so many levels, that's all I have to say! Best video since "I'll Go Crazy (animated)"
What an awesome video. Very powerful stuff.
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