'I think there's a part two...'

3 Oct 200916
'I definitely think we should do something good as soon as we possibly can, as opposed to quickly.' Larry explains to Brian Hiatt in the new edition of Rolling Stone. 'I'm feeling that it's the unfinished songs from this record that we should be concentrating on. I think there's a part two of this record. That would be my instinct, would be to complete this...'

'We're sort of spoiled for choice right now,' adds Edge, 'Because there's a bunch of amazing pieces that we didn't finish from the work we did in Fez, and there's the songs we started with Rick Rubin, some of which are amazing songs that I'd love to get back to at some point.'

Bono wants ' a few pop songs on it.' ' So I would like, even on Songs of Ascent, songs that have a shot at that. I would like to come back with a new single in the spring - 'Every Breaking Wave' was Jimmy Iovine's favorite song, and lots of people got upset when we took that off.'

Get the new edition for the big long read or shoot over to RollingStone.com. for some more choice extracts.
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Got U2 Rolling Stone!
I agree with those who were disappointed that Adam & Larry were not on the cover as well. It *IS* a GREAT cover shot, but ALL the boys should be on the cover. That said, it was a great story and as soon as I found out there was a U2 issue coming, I ran to a newsstand to get me one! Devoured the story and SO GLAD another album was coming. Kind of felt that coming from previous comments from the band that there was enough music to put out and that they wanted to release "Songs of Ascent" and I am too hoping it comes sooner rather than later. Makes me wonder if North America gets NO TOUR dates in 2010 because with talk of the album release also came talk of the additional work it would take to do that, and another project Bono & Edge had called "Spider-Man" so while I'm DYING for another show in '10, with the summer Euro dates, if they are still using the Claw, I don't see when they could visit North America unless they move it indoors and just mini-claw it or something. Am much more of an indoor show fan anyway though 2 nights in a row at Giants Stadium were unforgettable. AWESOME. So everyone, run out and get your U2 Rolling Stone issues! Great read, great comments from all in the band - not giving anything away, and hope you all enjoy it as much as this U2 die-hard fan!!! Thanks Rolling Stone for doing the story on what they called the biggest band "IN THE WORLD"!!! They got that right, also the BEST!!!!
Upstaged by stage
Hi: I got the new RS with U2 on the cover the day after I saw the band at FedEx field in Washington, DC. I'm glad to see that Bono and the guys like the stage so much--it is cool. But the next time they do a sound check, do a seat check as well. If you are behind one of the mammoth legs of the claw, you will have an obstructed view. In my case, I paid $250 for seats that promised to be perfect (Section 142, Row 10), only to discover that we could not see Bono except on the jumbotron and the few times he went out on the catwalk. It was disappointing. For me, the point of live music is to see the band, not the pyrotechnics or technology. Janice
U2: I want to hear an entire album of the stuff you began in Fez - no pop songs, no hits, just experimental sound and voice. I want to hear what U2 sounds like when the band has freed itself of all expectations - what U2 sounds like when it's looking into the void.
On the cover of the Rolling Stone
The October 15, 2009 was in my mailbox this weekend! Awesome coverage of the 360 tour. I was shocked to read that the band had the perception that Americans weren't "groovy?" I was in the 2nd and 3rd row of the Chicago shows singing my heart out to all the new and old songs getting my GROOVE on and ROCKIN IT OUT! BOTH NIGHTS!!
U2 is HOT!!
this RS cover is HOT!! i can't wait to go pick it up!! : )
Missing Members
"U2 from Outer Space" Apparently Adam and Larry were doing a space walk when the Rolling Stone photographer showed up for the cover shot, huh?
glad U2 realise that the single 'Boot's was certainly a mistake and probably why the album bombed in the US. It'a shame cos the new album is certainly some of their best work.....
All I Want Is You 2
U2 on Rolling Stone
I love the cover photo!~)
Good to hear another album is coming soon. Can't wait!!! :D Pleeease get Mercy on there in some way or form. It's one of your best songs that never got released.
I got to get to the news stands and get a copy of the Rolling Stones... I can't wait to hear what is next!!! I love you guys!!! Please be safe!!! Take care!!!
Interesting Insight!!!!!
I had no idea U2 were going to be in this issue of RollingStone magazine. We had stopped to get gas on our way back from the concert and I bought a copy....total surprise. It's an excellent article with interesting insight from all the band members...I highly recommend purchasing a copy. .
YU2...YES they ARE!!!
Love this cover shot!!! Can't wait to get my hands on a hard copy of this edition of Rolling Stone! I was at Foxboro,2 nites, & it was the Biggest Rock Show from the BEST Rock Band,ever!!! Come back to Boston for a 2nd US 360 tour...please. Would love,love,love to see U2 in a smaller, venue, tho...Just the boys on a stage, all I need is U2!;) OX Paula
this is an amazing cover, and i'm completely excited hearing them talk about Songs of Ascent.
Renas menas
Is this really the cover, no Larry, no ADAM. Not cool. I love Bono and THE Edge, but leaving out Larry and Adam is like leaving out 2 of the Beatles. Doesn't make since.
Let's hope part two comes in 2010?
Thomas T
Pop Songs
I'm increasingly pessimistic about the "few pop songs on it" approach. I think this strategy weakened NLOTH and I'd hate to see it flaw future records. It's fine if the songs are great, but I get the sense that songs like Stand Up Comedy and Crazy made the record to satisfy some imagined audience of CD buyers that frankly, I don't think exists anymore.
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