'Rock'n'roll transcendence..'

5 Dec 2019

'Rock'n'roll transcendence..

'Last night we had a very special time but let me tell you why we're back again…  because we want to take it to the next level, some kind of rock'n'roll transcendence tonight.
'I don't know how you translate rock'n'roll transcendence but I  think you can feel what we're talking about. We're here to surrender to each other, to music, to love…'

Tonight Bad was played in memory of the physician Tetsu Nakamura, head of the Japanese aid agency Peace Japan Medical Services, who was killed with  five others in an ambush in Afghanistan earlier this week.

'Let's take a moment in the dark to notice we are here, present, together… some indoor starlight, let's turn this sports stadium into a cathedral, our phones into candles… to memorialise the great Tetsu Nakamura, a great man from a great and generous country…'

Tonight it was Simon and Garfunkel's The Boxer that made it's way into Bad, coming to a close with 'Blessed are the peacemakers…'

It's all about The Joshua Tree but this tour has plenty other stellar moments too - Elevation, Vertigo and 'Real Thing' were outstanding tonight. 

Exciting 2019 Tour debut for 'Gloria', 30 years to the very month since it was last performed here in Japan - in Osaka, Dec 1 1989 on the Lovetown Tour;  local fans were more than ready for it :

@tanerisan : 待望のU2来日公演に行ってきた!2曲目にまさかの「Gloria」!(この曲って今年演奏されてないよね?) 初期U2好きにはたらない選曲で飛び上がった!初日も行った人は「I will follow」と合わせて感動だろうな〜。
(translated ) : 'I went to the long-awaited U2 tour in Japan! The second song “Gloria”! (This song hasn't been played this year, right?) Jumped up with an irresistible song selection for early U2 fans! Those who went on the first day would be impressed with “I will follow”.

@utsuneko3 : いやね、2日目より1日目行くべきかなとずっと思ってたんですでもね、突然演奏した(U2の中でもとりわけ好きな)Gloriaのおかげて、「2日目で良かった」と心のそこから思えるぜ 動画撮ってたけど発狂しすぎてヤバイから上げないぜ!
(translated ) 'No, I always wondered if I should go from day 2 to day 1. But, thanks to Gloria, who played suddenly (especially in U2), I think from my heart, "It was good on the second day." I was taking a video but I was too crazy to raise it!'

@Noodles105 : 'If someone asks me why i still love U2 in 2019, almost 2020, after 43 years of career, i will replay to close his eyes and listen to this extraordinary version of THE MASTERPIECE' (Bad) #U2 #Bad #Tokyo (2) #TheJoshuaTreeTour2019 

@mysteriousdays (Vid, who has been following the band around the Southern hemisphere and she has seen most of the shows to date this year) : 'Tokyo2 is deffo my fave show on this tour! because (in no particular order): 1 - (Japan) & Japanese hospitality 2 - Gloria 3 - Bad, always Bad 4 - Hallelujah ending on Running 5 - Love is Bigger crowd sing along'

Zootopia Mod Max Tsukino travelled here from his home in Mexico City to see the Tokyo shows, a long-held bucket list event for him. We tracked him down after tonight's show, to a Karaoke Bar, mixing with other fans, local and international, (choosing u2 songs from the presented menu of course - and asked him his thoughts about Show 2 in Tokyo, and the trip as a whole : 'It was great to see the band playing in the Saitama Super Arena. They are in top form and you can feel how happy they are finally coming back to Japan. There is an additional component to the equation : it doesn't matter in which part of the venue you are (GA or seats) if you look to the left or the right you would find very happy fans, those who traveled from lands far from here and those who are from within this 'land of the rising sun'. Bono mentioned that in the end, it is not chemicals, alcohol or anything else, it is the audience who elevates the band… and in turn, they do the same for us fans…the band elevate us as much as we do to each other.'

'Thanks for 2 nights… 2 extraordinary nights. Thanks for supporting the ONE Campaign… RED'

Shoutout tonight during Beautiful Day from the singer to writer and long-time U2.com contributor @godgrrl Cathleen Falsani and was also dedicated to Sadako Ogata, high-profile Japanese diplomat who served as the first female United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees from 1991 to 2000, who passed away recently.

'When women of the World unite to rewrite HIStory as HERstory… that's a beautiful day… women of the World… Madame Ogata - this is for you”

Here's the complete set list and if you were at second show in Tokyo tonight, tell us all about it. 

Add your own review and photos on our tour pages.


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