'People got the power...'
Pretty amazing night in Montreal. Here's some highlights.
'People got the power...' Every night this show opens with Patti Smith, the band arriving on stage as her voice pours out of the PA. 'To dream... to rule... to wrestle the earth from fools.'
And tonight Patti's words ended the show too, as scores of euphoric fans joined the band on stage for 'Streets'.
It was the close of a show like we've rarely seen. 'All these people on stage' tweeted @U2_ultraviolet, 'How amazing is this! God I love this band...'
With everyone seated around the band, the night ended with a mellow version of 'Still Haven't Found', Bono leaving the stage with Patti's words again, 'People got the power, people got the power...to dream, to rule, to wrestle the world from fools.'
Surreal and kind of wonderful.
If that was a moment to give #U2ieTour another dimension, this is a tour that keeps throwing new shapes. Tonight The Troubles returned to the set along with Volcano, two tracks from the latest album, performed only three times before this evening. As atu2 pointed out, a third of the night's set list came from Songs of Innocence.
Earlier a man called Brian clambered up on stage to sling on a guitar for the Meerkat moment. At first no-one was convinced Brian could pull it off, but Brian proved us wrong. Brian can play a guitar and Brian can sing and tonight, with Brian and Bono sharing vocals, Desire went global.
In case you missed it, the previous day Bono had visited Parliament in Ottawa to talk about the fight against extreme poverty in the developing world. 'And the first question I heard from an MP was 'Where is The Edge?'
'I wanted to say, 'He’s everywhere, he’s omnipresent, he’s all around us!'
It was a meeting, he explained, that reminded him that 'the world needs more Canada.'
'This is an election year, tell your elected officials who is boss… you are the boss... and what Canada is doing for mother and child health is leading the world and we thank you for your generosity, thank you for supporting the One Campaign.
We’re gonna rid the world of the mother to child transmission of HIV in the next 5 years, can we promise that to each other?'
Were you at the third night in Montreal? What were your highlights? Post your own review and add your photos here.
Live Blog #U2ieTour Social Stream Montreal 3