'Remember Us?'

9 Sep 2014244
A letter from Bono, on the arrival 'of our new baby' - Songs of Innocence.

'Hello, bonjour, ciao, hola, hallo, zdravo, dobar dan, Dia duit, hæ, hej,hei, cześć, olá, ćao, namaste, sawatdee, jambo, pozdravi, Γεια σου, привіт, שלום, مرحبا, こんにちは, , سلام, 你好, Привет….

Remember us? Pleased to announce myself, Edge, Adam and Larry have finally given birth to our new baby… Songs of Innocence. It’s been a while. We wanted to get it right for you/us. We just finished it last week and thanks to Apple and iTunes it’s with you today. That’s already amazing to me as it normally takes a few months to turn this stuff around.

Part of the DNA of this band has always been the desire to get our music to as many people as possible. In the next 24 hours, over a half a billion people are going to have Songs of Innocence… should they choose to check it out. That is so exciting. People who haven’t heard our music, or weren’t remotely interested, might play us for the first time because we’re in their library. Country fans, hip hop afficionados from east LA, electro poppers from Seoul, Bhangra fans from New Delhi, Highlifers in Accra… might JUST be tempted to check us out, even for a moment. What a mind blowing, head scratching, 21st century situation. Over 500 million people… that’s a billion ears. And for the people out there who have no interest in checking us out, look at it this way… the blood, sweat and tears of some Irish guys are in your junk mail.

You’ll have noticed the album is free to U2.com’ers from the band. It’s also free to everyone on iTunes thanks to Apple. To celebrate the ten year anniversary of our iPod commercial, they bought it as a gift to give to all their music customers. Free, but paid for. Because if no-one's paying anything for it, we’re not sure “free” music is really that free. It usually comes at a cost to the art form and the artist… which has big implications, not for us in U2, but for future musicians and their music... all the songs that have yet to be written by the talents of the future… who need to make a living to write them.

We’re collaborating with Apple on some cool stuff over the next couple of years, innovations that will transform the way music is listened to and viewed. We’ll keep you posted. If you like Songs of Innocence,  stay with us for Songs of Experience. It should be ready soon enough… although I know I’ve said that before…

I hope after listening to our new long player a few times, you’ll understand why it took so long. We really went there… it’s a very, very personal album. Apologies if that gets excruciating… actually, I take that back. No apologies if it gets excruciating. What’s the point in being in U2 if you can’t go there?
There is no end to LOVE.'
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Thanks for your Album. For me , 3 Top News came in this 2014 Year : a new Baby annonced , a new House and The New U2 Album ! My wish for 2015 : Your come to France in Lyon city for a Live in the Halle Tony Garnier and whynot for a Drink at my house :-). Once again Thanks, Patrice.
I just wanted to let you know how much the song, "California" has become very meaningful to my family. My niece, 19 year old Veronika Weiss was shot and killed innocently in the Isla Vista Shooting near UC Santa Barbara on May 23, about 4 months ago. Suddenly, on Friday, "California" began playing on my niece's i-phone without notice and without touching any buttons. . . maybe her 22 month old twins had something to do with it, or maybe it was Veronika. She had never heard the song, nor had the rest of us. . .We took it as a sign, and all of us, my niece, my brother (Veronika's father), and I all found the music, listened to it, and searched the lyrics and were amazed. Santa Barbara and Zuma Beach (near where we sprinkled her ashes on May 31st) were central in Veronika's short life that was taken far too soon! She attended a U2 LA Concert with her father not too long ago. . . Veronika was an old soul who had an eclectic taste in Music. I know the song was produced without knowing about this terrible tragedy, but I have listened to it over and over since finding it on my cellphone yesterday. THANK YOU! We miss Veronika every day. The grief and our love for her will last forever. Thank you for the music. Sincerely, Jane Weiss
Too late
It is so so sad that my dear husband (Roland Kers) did not get the chance to listen to the new Album. One of your biggest fans, talked about the release of the album for months. Really looking forward to that and he also could not wait to see you guys back on tour again. Since 1995 he never missed one, was present at at least 5 concerts every tour. Sadly he passed away September 6th, 2014 at the age of 46. I (his wife) will be able the listen to the tracks in a little while. Good luck guys and thank you for being in Roland's and my life! All the best, Yvonne
I take it back...
The best things in life need a little time and a little work. I made a reactionary, cynical comment on here last week ... Along the lines that you've been a guiding light since I was 12 and listening to SoI for the first time at the age of 45 it felt that light was fading fast. Man, how wrong could I be? SoI has seeped into my soul.
What a great surprise. I love the album. Well worth the wait.
Just One More Thing....
I commented earlier and wanted to add that your awesome music has always been there for me whether I'm happy or down and needed a lift. Tremendous music that lifts the soul/spirit higher with GOOD VIBRATIONS! (Intended Beach Boys reference)
Worth the wait
Congrats on the 'birth' of your new baby. It has been a long gestation period but, well and truly worth the wait. I was totally stoked to see the album in my library and could hardly contain myself when it finished downloading. I was always going to love the album. I'm falling deeper in love with every listen although, I still can't commit to a favourite track yet. Thanks for a truly brilliant album. I shall try and wait patiently for the Songs of Experience and a tour announcement...
Thank You
The more I listen , the more I love it. So deep, beautiful, moving, Thank you for your hard work Bono, Edge, Adam, Larry !
Remember Us?
Never forgot!
again very nice
I discovered the sound of U2 my 8 years in 1988 since then I am a fan of this sound and Spiritually. on hearing this new baby, I hang more this sound is magic, amazing I guess the chance that the team assistants to see and listen to the studio sessions I like to have one day a chance to see and listen to a sessions thank you Bono, Edge, Adam and Larry Incredible. I really like it! I really like the song "Every Breaking Wave".
Thank you!
I love this new album! Every breaking wave, song for someone and iris are all amazing!
New Album
I am so enjoying and loving this album & all the songs. I really like the song "Every Breaking Wave". Thanks again for the music. Can't wait to hear it in concert, hint, hint. Can a tour be far off?
This is a Song for me.
Somebody up there knew that this was going to be a hell week for me so they made sure I got something to console me..Thank you for being part of my life...
What a Man....
When The Great Man speaks, it's good to listen.
I remember you
And after listening to these songs, I know you a little bit better. Love and eternal gratitude.
I have followed you guys from afar, for more than thirty years. And from afar you have taken me on many journeys - many emotional journeys. Iris is the most touching song you have ever written... bar none. The image of you leading your mum by the hand.. I can't say any more. Thank you.
I have followed you guys from afar, for more than thirty years. And from afar you have taken me on many journeys - many emotional journeys. Iris is the most touching song you have ever written... bar none. The image of you leading your mum by the hand.. I can't say any more. Thank you.
Been waiting since you last played 40
This has everything. But U2 has always been everything...
thats another Jack & Coke i owe you boys
yet another crap day at work was totally changed round as soon as i had the download sorted, really up lifting smile back om face after some 14 plays of the album. Cheers boys!
All I Want is U2
Thank you for your never ending love! You guys have given me so much in my 32 years of being a fan. My favorite band truly is the best band in the world, and it's members are among the best people on the planet and as sweet as the music itself. How many cities can I make it to on the next tour is my only question now. Ecstatic! XO
I cannot avoid crying when I listen to Iris... Too much feelings that reminds me when I was just 17... Bono you put in words what's in my heart! It hurts... But anyway... Thanks!
Glad to know what took so long
A collection of songs does not always make an album, but no one makes albums like these four Irish boys. I hear musical history in the notes while immersing myself in new sounds that suck me in. Thank you, gentlemen. Now I'll switch to trying to wait patiently for the tour.
At last but worth waiting for.......
It was worth the wait, thankyou our fab U2..... Hope the tour won't be too long....xxxxxxxxx
William Blake would be proud.
A beautiful record. I'm very happy to have stumbled across the album yesterday. Wonderful job.
Worth the wait!!
I've had the LP on a loop since it came out and it's getting better each time. I really like how I can hear pieces of your earlier music throughout the album!. There's some classic "Streets Have No Name" delay on one track, some shouts to NLOTH, and some raw sounds from Boy/October/War. I like it alot. I really like the theological undertones (and overtones) in a lot of the tunes. Favorites so far "Song for Someone", "Raised by Wolves", and "Iris". Looking forward to Songs of Experience and hopefully a subsequent tour! Dream out loud!
Cedarwood Road
Thanks for the album. I began by listening to "Cedarwood Road" because it's somewhere I know well. My aunt and uncle moved there in 1964. (It was Ballymun back then). Fifty years later they're still there in the same house. Like it says in the notes "nice street ... nice families". I spent many happy summers there during our English school holidays in the 1960s and 1970s. It was all fields out the back when I first went there. Then all of a sudden - or so it seemed - there were new houses over the garden wall and in the distance, the Ballymun flats. There used to be a chip shop down by The Fingal Tavern. That's the first place I even saw a gang of skinheads. All of this came flooding back reading the album notes. Thanks for that too.
Absolutely amazing....
Although you had no intensions to do so, you gave me the best birthday gift ever... I just can't get enough of your new songs, I love them so much. I love the new sound of them and the bits and pieces which remind me of your earlier tracks. What a great combination! Thank you so much for sharing it via iTunes. As I said the best gift ever :-))) I cannot wait to hear them live ;-)
welcome back U2 !!!!
I am now on my 6th listen and the album keeps on growing on each listen, sometimes growers become the best albums !!!! And I think this will become maybe U2's best work yet, maybe that's all I will say for now. It was surprisingly refreshing, I really like it :) & thanks guys for free download although I will be getting the physical copy :). Favourites so far............ The Miracle of Joey Ramone(, The Ramones were legends) Every breaking wave Song for someone Iris(hold me close) Volcano Raised by wolves Cedarwood road The troubles Most of album really lol Volcano rocks !!!!! Cannot wait for Songs of Experience :):)
Thank you
Thank you for allowing so many people listen to your new CD for free. It's an amazing CD. You guys are the best!
Wow! Touched! Amazed!
Just magnificent. Now listening to Song for Someone. U touched my heart right where it is, wondering / wandering where it's going....
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