U2:UV Achtung Baby Live At Sphere

Feb 10 2024
Las Vegas, NV, US / Sphere
with Pauli The PSM

U2:UV Achtung Baby Live At Sphere #33

'Ain't love the sweetest thing?'

'Are we gonna get after this?' Bono shouted as the evening opened with 'The Fly'. Get after it they did,  'Sweetest Thing' and 'Love Rescue Me' rejoining the set and 'Gloria' and a snatch of The Beatles' 'Blackbird' closing the show. 

If you were at the show in Vegas, add your own review and upload your photos below.

What Bono Said

Introducing the band before 'Desire': 'To my left: Ladies, laaaadies! Not just a man with some seriously fast footwear, oh no, a Greek god. No, a Roman god….. on the bass, His Royal Moustacheness, Adam Clayton.

'On my right, he's part scientist and we're part of the experiment. Our very own WMD — our weapon of mass devotion — that is The Edge.'

Before 'Love Rescue Me': 'Two people here tonight from opposing teams and I'm not talking about the Chiefs or the Forty-Niners. I'm talking about two gigantic figures from what can sometimes feel like two warring political parties here in the United States, two people who decided to work together to rid the world of HIV/AIDS. There are now upwards of 25 million people who owe their existence to these United States, and on Super Bowl weekend, I wanna say thank you to America because we don't thank you enough. So, thank you America. 

'And I want to thank you, Nancy Pelosi, and I want to thank you, Condoleezza Rice, for working together. We like that don't we? I learnt from the two of you the sacred text that true greatness is true service. We learn through service, that's where greatness lives. Thank you.' 

About 'Love Rescue Me': 'Here's a song we wrote and recorded with Bob Dylan way back when. It's both a whisper and a scream.'

At the end of 'With Or Without You' with Es Devin's Nevada Ark of endangered species soaring overhead: 'It's dangerous out there. Look after each other. Thank you for giving us a great life. Thank you for lookin' after us. Look after the world around you!'

As the encore with 'Beautiful Day' drew to a close, in a whisper he repeated: 'You can do this. You can do this.'

Shout Outs

To director Wim Wenders as the band launched into 'Until The End Of The World'

To T-Bone Burnett — the music producer, singer-songwriter, and former guitarist for Bob Dylan — and the photographer Donata Wenders, during 'Where The Streets Have No Name'

On the Socials

'Amazing experience, fantastic immersive, visually stunning U2 concert at The Sphere Las Vegas…worth the trip! #music #artt #u2 #livemusic #thespherelasvegas #technology' —@shanghaicrab on Instagram

'U2's ZooTV instagram channel is feeding us the content we have been dreaming of … Bernie Guerra & Adam Clayton are the coolest cats! #AdamClayton #U2UVsphere #BernieGuerra' —@AdamsKimono on Instagram

'No words other than unbelievable. #U2 #TheSphere' —@racern8 on Instagram

'Super Bowl LVIII Eve with U2 at The Sphere. The experience was absolutely amazing. Videos and pictures will not show the story. You definitely should make plans soon to visit The Sphere if you have not yet been there. It's awesome! #U2 #TheSphere' —@brett_fischer on X


U2:UV Achtung Baby Live At Sphere - The Making Of V-U2
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My tenth show has arrived!
When I decided to travel to Las Vegas in November 2023, even though I stayed in the city for a week, it was only possible to buy a ticket for one show, the one on February 9th. The ticket price was very expensive for me, so I was happy to go to just one show, especially since I managed to be the first person in the line organized by the fans to enter and have my moment very close to Bono. But, on February 8th, tickets appeared available on Ticketmaster for the February 10th show, and I used practically all the dollars I took on this trip to buy this second ticket. I was very happy, because the objective of this trip had been achieved: to see U2 and reach the mark of 10 shows, on my journey as a fan, since 1993. This is my world, what makes me happy and has brought me so many good things. moments in life.
Thank you to U2, Bram, and the entire U2 crew and staff for an unbelievably marvelous show. Thank you for the drumsticks and set list, too!! I was laughing and crying all at once! I'd been wanting to come back to see the concert again and to say thanks since I first saw it in October. What a dream come true to be back, front row in Las Vegas, for my final time seeing this incredible concert. Thank you so very much for the music and joy. Wishing you all well until we meet again.
Hotel View
Amazing show Saturday night!! So great to look out the window and see this!!
Favorite photo
I think is my favorite photo from the concert
Best Concert in a long time
Amazing lighting during the whole concert
Amazing show in Oct. 2023
Loved when Bono & Adam shared a smile during the concert
Outstanding show and experience!
I went to my first U2 concert in 1985 and last night was my eighth! The band never disappoints, and i’m finding I still have a horse throat from all the singing two days later. Sphere is a must-see/do! What a great venue with incredible acoustics and digital artistry!
U2 extravaganza during the Big LV weeken
When I decided I wanted to see UV again, and managed to buy tickets for 02/10, I had no clue the city would be bustling at the eve of Super Bowl… so there I was! The concert was impeccable and even having seen it twice before, it felt fresh and invigorating!! Had the best time, as usual, and loved to see Adam sporting a mustache!!
Great show , i expected the sound to be
A truly great show. I expected the sound to be better in such a state of the art arena , even allowing for the shape of the structure while clear it was quite damoened i felt. that said the show is quite the spectacle
Sin g this Son g FoR
Me? This is 40! HoW Lon g Must We? Sin g this Son g!? Peace is possible! Love and Peace, the vertigo hunter miss you sugar. Detlev Lassche from underground Oldenzaal. You know my name. We? were in Deventer this day. Highly water is now are troubles. I wrote a few years ago about this issue. Forget the past U2- celebrating the future. .. … 14:40.
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